1. Show respect to the art of Kenpo through personal behavior.
Do not show off your art by throwing kicks and punches in public.
2. Show respect to all advanced ranks, not just Black Belts.
3. Show respect to your fellow students and to observers.
4. Do not use your art for any reason other than your own personal safety in
protection of your own life (or another's), and then only to the necessary degree. 5. Exhibit extreme control at
all times in practice or competition.

We greet the instructor and other black belts present with a bow.
We bow and stand in front position (feet together, right fist covered
by the left palm) while students and instructors tie on their rank
(belt). This is out of respect for the masters who trained him/her,
as well as a sign of respect for their knowledge and dedication.
We bow at the beginning and ending of each class. The bow is directed
to the past masters, to the instructors, and to the flag (country).
Before putting on or removing our rank (belt), we ask
the instructor's permission. This is a sign of respect for
the knowledge that the instructor has given the student,
represented by the color of the belt the student wears.
We bow before engaging an opponent in kumite or an imaginary opponent in kata.
The bow is always used as a sign of respect, whether to an opponent,
an instructor, or a fellow classmate.
EFFORT Effort means to try your hardest in everything
you do. ETIQUETTE Etiquette means to use good manners.
SINCERITY Sincerity means to tell the truth.
SELF CONTROL Self control means to control your body and emotions, control your
CHARACTER Character means to be yourself; do not try to be like anyone else. Having good character means being a good person.
TIGER From the Tiger we learn Strength and Tenacity. The Tiger is very powerful
and direct. The Tiger commits its entire mind and body into each move. There is no hesitation in the Tiger's mind.
LEOPARD From the Leopard, we learn Speed and Cunning.
The Leopard is extremely fast and angular. It sneaks up on its enemies and uses the element of surprise. The Leopard is not
as big as the Tiger, but is capable of "providing great effect."
SNAKE From The Snake we learn Chi and endurance. The Snake attacks with its fangs
and control. Certain Snakes can suffocate their opponents.
CRANE From the Crane, we learn Grace and Balance -- Fluidity. The Crane is very
aware and evasive. Many people underestimate the Crane's power. It utilizes its beak for poking and its wings for trapping.
DRAGON From The Dragon, we learn Knowledge and
Wisdom. The Dragon can change into any animal at any moment. This is a key part of the secrets of movement.
1. I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid
anything that will reduce my mental growth and physical health.
2. I intend to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best
in myself and others.
3. I intend to use what I learn in class constructively and
defensively, to help myself and my fellow man and never be abusive or
If a karateka learns the Japanese karate
terminology, she/he will be able to enter any karate dojo in the world and able to understand and workout. Many Japanese letters sound the same as they do in English, but
some letters are pronounced or written differently. To learn the Japanese sounds of these letters, study the following
Each vowel is pronounced separately even if two are next to each other, so "ai" sounds like “ah ee.”
“r” is never emphasized, it is pronounced like a soft “d.” “g” is always pronounced like the hard “g”
in “go.”
“su” is always pronounced like “s”: so “tsuki” sounds like “tski.”